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Data | Export Data to SEDPHAT
This function provides a more seamless interface between Sedfit and Sedphat. It does the following:
1) It generates a Sedphat xp-file from the currently loaded data. This eliminates the need to re-select the data, enter the fitting limits and other parameters. It also automatically generates the correct data type. This xp-file can be saved and stored for further use.
2) When using the c(s) model in Sedfit, it automatically generates a Sedphat configuration file and model parameters file in the hybrid discrete/continuous distribution model. The parameters are transferred, so that the settings are equivalent to the current c(s) analysis. In this way, the data and the model are ready for a refined analysis by inserting discrete species. Optionally, all peaks in c(s) can be converted into discrete species in Sedphat .
3) Sedphat will be spawned automatically in a new analysis window. (Note that Sedphat needs to be located in c:\sedfit\sedphat.exe)
The different steps requiring input are:
1) enter the directory and filename for the xp-file to be generated.
2) verify the buffer density
3) verify the buffer viscosity
4) verify the partial-specific volume
5) confirm the optical pathlength of 1.2 cm
6) specify the rotor type as 4 (4-hole) or 8 (8-hole)
7) launch Sedphat (yes/no)
An example for testing the correct installation and communication of SedfitT and SedphaT can be found here.
New in version 9.2: SEDFIT can now receive xp-files via drag-and-drop. This has the advantage that an analysis can be repeated easily using exactly the same settings.