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Species analysis with mass conservation constraints

This is like the species analysis, but with the following important difference:  The relative population of all species is assumed to be the same in all experiments. The total concentrations can be different in each experiment.

* for multi-speed sedimentation equilibrium, conservation of mass will be imposed.  Concentration will be effective loading concentrations, not concentrations at the bottom. 

* Concentration units will be signal units.

* since mass conservation makes the concentration parameters non-linear, the local parameters menu will be available to enter starting guesses.

* this similar to the discrete distribution model, except that here you have the choice to constrain the fractional population of a particular species. 



The box looks the same as in the species analysis model, but with the fractional concentration values enabled, which means you can enter fractions and choose to either constrain or to fit them. 

Please note:  Do not enter s-values of zero, these components will be switched off, even in sedimentation equilibrium.  When dealing with sedimentation equilibrium experiments only, do not optimize s-values.